Facsimile Bob Movie Spawns Never Ending Analysis.
The buzz is almost deafening. But the verdict is a split decision featuring bio pic genius diminished by the soft pedaling of Dylan’s most obvious character flaw.
Still ruminating from my Christmas afternoon movie experience with a Facsimile Bob, I delved into to BLONDE ON BLONDE to bring you a lesser known rocker. Over fifteen takes in both New York and Nashville, Bob was finally satisfied. Opening guitar licks were shared: first Bob, then Robbie Robertson. No other Hawks as backups. I think Bobby was smiling when he wrote this one! I’m grinning as I type this.
I think the flick had something for all types of Dylan fans. But also a lot the facts were a complete unknown! Lead kid was a good singer and character player. The movie significantly down played how much Dylan used, abused, and steamrolled people. If they had told the entire truth, Dylan’s popularity would’ve been ruined. Maybe gutless, possibly prudent.
The film is most important because it gives millions of younger movie goers insight into 1961-65, a period that is unknown to them and a glaring, garish memory to those of us who lived it. Hard to believe Dylan was hitting it big at the same time as the Beatles. One story very well known— the other partially shrouded by the residue of the Beat Generation.
The movie is worth seeing for the amalgam of historic music personalities and events which are conflated into the script. When I got home, I cranked up the instrumental versions to some of Bobby’s best songs and I sang like a motherfucker for a whole hour. Not bad inspiration from a bio pic! The Never Ending Tour …
The fact that Dylan said he liked the movie was a sure tip off to me before I saw it that it would sanitize his bad behavior during his early years. He trashed a lot of people to achieve that mercurial early start to his career. The film only hints at this focusing mostly on his lovers but not the victims in the folk scene etc.
I'm glad for your review. As with any musical biopic, the ration is 95% myth, 4% bullshit, and 1% partial truth. The point is, enjoy the myth, enjoy the music, sing your fucking lungs out. It don't matter the facts. When the dude is dead 20 years, a young upstart with an eye on Cannes will produce the movie that matters. In the meantime, the wind blows, move your body with it.